10 Abandoned Movie Sequels We Actually Want To See


Another day goes by in Hollywood and yet another sequel is greenlit for a movie we didn't much like the first time anyway, which only adds to our frustration when the movies we want to earn a sequel can't manage it, either because of legal issues, an inability to get a script working, or the simple fact that those who worked on the prior movies just aren't that enthusiastic about returning to this world, even though fans clearly are. With it likely being days before Grown Ups 3 is announced to be happening, it's time to think of all those abandoned sequels to classic movies that we're still desperately holding out hope to see one day. Whether second, third or even fourth entries into revered franchises, these movies, coming long after their last cinematic outing, would have been greatly appreciated amid the sea of sequel mediocrity that so often laps at our cinematic shores. Here are 10 abandoned movie sequels we actually want to see...

10. Ghostbusters III

001103The Previous Movie: Ghostbusters II, the largely inferior though still entertaining 1989 sequel to the riotously funny 1984 original film, about a gang of four paranormal investigators who set on ridding New York City of its malevolent supernatural presence. Why It Was Abandoned: The idea of a third film has been floating around for over 20 years, but it's never gotten off the ground, and one of the key reasons for this is Bill Murray's steadfast refusal to take part. Dan Aykroyd has over the years re-envisioned a third Ghostbusters film as featuring the rest of the gang helping to train a group of younger mentors, and one of the names frequently bandied about years ago was Seth Rogen, something which could, in fact, have worked. As of present, the same response as always - "the script isn't ready" - abounds, and simply, it seems like we've got a better chance unearthing Jimmy Hoffa's body than ever sitting in a cinema and seeing Ghostbusters III.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.