10 Absolutely Ridiculous Moments In Mainstream Horror Movies

2. The Antagonists Are Revealed To Be Children (Them/Ils)

ils Throughout this movie, a couple who had recently moved in to a new house are terrorised by an unidentified group of foes. The antagonists aren't phased by the fact that there is a grown man in the house and happily get physically close to the couple. However, despite the terror that they manage to spread, they are revealed as nothing more than children. The premise is quite creepy and the fact that these kids were prepared to appear in full view of €“ and even get in to physical altercations with €“ the adults would perhaps lead the victims to believe they weren't dealing with children to begin with, but once you hear their voices, establish their size and realise that you can overpower them with relative ease, you should be dispatching of them and putting an end to their antics fairly quickly, no? Evidently not as, even once they are revealed as children, the kids managed to finish the job off and drag both the husband and wife to their doom.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.