10 Absolutely Ridiculous Moments In Mainstream Horror Movies

8. Tatum's Garage Death (Scream)

Tatum Death It's always going to be the case that horror movies will keep trying to outdo each other with more inventive deaths, none more so than the Scream franchise. But this effort in the first Scream movie from 1996 was nothing short of stupid. Tatum Riley, along with her friends, is at a house party during the killing spree of the then unidentified Ghostface killer. She heads in to the garage to get more beers for everyone, when she is confronted by the killer himself. Believing it to one of her friends, she mocks the killer and simply tries to walk past him - but he won't let her and eventually slashes at her with a knife. She fights back, using the fridge door to knock him over and by throwing beer bottles at him. She goes to escape through the flap in the garage door, but it's a tight squeeze. The killer presses the button to open the garage door, which crushes Tatum. It's ridiculous for three reasons; 1) The gap was clearly big enough for her to fit through, so she could have either made it all the way through or gone back out the way she came in, 2) there would be a fail safe and it's arguable whether or not the force would be strong enough to kill her anyway and 3) the resulting fireworks as her presence caused the mechanism to malfunction were outrageous.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.