10 Absolutely Terrible B-Movies That Have Become Cult Classics

6. The Giant Spider Invasion

The Room Tommy Wiseau

The title tells you all you need to know about this one. There were plenty of monster B-movies back in the day but few were as ludicrous and entertaining as The Giant Spider Invasion, and it was also filled with utter nonsense. For starters, many of the spiders featured in the film were actually just normal-sized. A few larger spider puppets were used but just one genuinely giant spider appears in the movie.

The huge spider was actually made by draping a black, furry material over a VW car and filling it with crew members, each operating one of the spider's big legs. The car's brake lights were used to illuminate the spider's eyes and the crew would wiggle the legs around to give the impression of movement. The final effect is as ridiculous as you might expect.

The film's story becomes increasingly bizarre, with several romantic subplots interrupting the action and a bunch of nonsensical science babble spouted to try and give some credence to an invasion of inter-dimensional spiders. It's a mad film. It's a bad film. But it's also a weirdly enjoyable film and has a lot of love among B-movie fanatics.

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The Room
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