10 Acting Careers Destroyed By Great Movies

4. Cuba Gooding Jr. - Jerry Maguire

The Film: The Tom Cruise-led movie gained commercial and critical success as the film was nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars. Cuba Gooding Jr stole the show with his over the top enthusiasm driven performance as a budding football star, sealing his place in pop culture history with his famous "Show me the money" line. Former Green Bay Packers vice president Andrew Brandt stated that the film "accurately portrayed the cutthroat nature of the agent business, especially the lengths to which agents will go to retain or pilfer clients". What Happened Next: Cuba Gooding Jr. won and Academy Award for his showing as football player Rod Tidwell in the 1996 movie. Not so much that he couldn't attain the same success as his breakout film, but Cuba would actively avoid the spotlight for months at a time in an attempt to make sure the hype of his Oscar win would not go to his head. Since then, not only has he never even been nominated at the Oscars again, he's actually been nominated four times for the Golden Raspberry's Worst Actor award. Almost going out of his way to make sure he wasn't perceived as an Oscar hunter. What Now: Gooding Jr would flounder in the wake of his breakout hit, starring in the cringe worthy Boat Trip and Daddy Day Camp in the years following. Appearing in no less than fifteen direct-to-video films since Jerry Maguire is a testament to how far the once promising young actor has fallen.

I've loved all things sport since I was old enough to know what sport was and am a big fan of terrible jokes. I get into some Gaming in my spare time and writing articles about the things I love to watch and play.