10 Action Movie Mistakes You Can’t Unsee

8. The Bad Guy's Shapeshifting Gun - London Has Fallen

The Matrix
Focus Features

A movie mistake that's easily explainable is one thing, but one that has no apparent rhyme or reason can end up fascinating film fans for years, even decades.

London Has Fallen, while hardly an iconic movie, nevertheless rocks a real head-scratcher of a continuity error, when in the third act Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) takes on a fleet of well-armed bad guys in a tunnel.

One of the remaining goons is very clearly shown holding an AK-47 as he hides from Banning's gunfire in an alcove.

The man eventually exits cover and opens fire, still holding the AK, but when Banning slides out of cover and guns him down, the goon falls to the floor while inexplicably holding a far smaller MP5.

We can only assume that the sequence was shot over several days and the prop master screwed up by giving the extra the wrong weapon, but considering an AK-47 is much larger than an MP5, it's a pretty sloppy mistake to make continuity-wise.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.