10 Action Movie Mistakes You Can’t Unsee

7. Dwayne Johnson's Magic Goatee - Fast & Furious 6

The Matrix

The fact that most of the Fast and the Furious movies are as visually coherent as they are is, frankly, a damn miracle, and while director Justin Lin absolutely delivered the action-packed goods on the sixth movie, he couldn't stop one outrageous facial hair-related mistake slipping through the cracks.

Mid-way through the movie, Hobbs' (Dwayne Johnson) goatee randomly disappears for an entire scene, only to re-appear without explanation.

Considering that the film takes place over a relatively concentrated period of time, there's no way to reasonably explain this within the world of the movie - beyond Luke "flexes out of a cast" Hobbs being so damn manly he had a shave and it grew back five minutes later, of course.

Going by Occam's razor, it's reasonable to assume that the sequence where Hobbs is sans-goatee was a reshoot filmed after Dwayne Johnson shaved his facial hair for another role.

Even so, with a $250 million budget in play you'd think that Universal might've spent a few bucks giving Hobbs a digital goatee, right?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.