10 Action Movie Mistakes You Can’t Unsee

6. The Reverse Waterfall - Anaconda

The Matrix

Editing mistakes related to basic continuity are a dime a dozen, but those which literally defy the laws of physics? A little less so.

And so we come to the cult fave creature feature Anaconda, which rolls out an all-time WTF mistake you'll never be able to forget. In the third act, as Terri (Jennifer Lopez) is tending to a wounded Dr. Cale (Eric Stoltz), we cut to an exterior shot of the boat sailing downriver past a waterfall.

Except, uh, the waterfall is flowing backwards.

Evidently this is because the shot is being played in reverse for whatever reason - perhaps the filmmakers forgot to capture footage of the boat leaving the area and simply hoped that audiences wouldn't notice a reversed shot.

But something as flagrantly weird as water sucking up out of the river and levitating up the waterfall draws attention to itself pretty damn easily, and so there's a chance you might've already spotted this one yourself.

Given that this mistake could be rectified in about 10 minutes by anyone with a semi-decent grasp of Adobe Premiere, it's absolutely hilarious that it made it into a $45 million Hollywood blockbuster.

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The Matrix
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.