10 Action Movie Mistakes You Can’t Unsee

4. Worst. Extra. Ever. - Independence Day

The Matrix
Warner Bros.

Terrible extras in movies are a wonderful-yet-distracting enterprise onto themselves, and while it's tough to top Quantum of Solace's hilariously incompetent street sweeper, Independence Day might get pretty damn close.

In the sci-fi blockbuster's third act, keep your eyes peeled when the scene shifts to the RAF in the Iraqi Desert.

One of the soldiers in the background, identified only by his name badge "Ken Saracen," has the most distractingly dangerous trigger discipline - or lack thereof - you've probably ever seen in a movie.

Throughout the scene, the soldier inexplicably has his finger on the trigger - something no trained soldier would ever do, especially when simply discussing logistics and, you know, not in the heat of combat.

Why the soldier even has his gun out at all remains a firm mystery - did the filmmakers really think the audience wouldn't understand who these people are without a firearm in the shot?

One can take an educated guess that the prop department simply gave the extra a gun but no actual direction for what to do with it, and so he simply improvised - quite poorly, but hilariously at least.

On one hand Independence Day can get away with silly nonsense like this because it's a thoroughly silly movie, but on the other you're never going to be able to watch this scene the same way again.

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The Matrix
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.