10 Action Movie Mistakes You Can’t Unsee

2. The Camera Wearing A Jacket - The Matrix

The Matrix
Warner Bros.

Ask any filmmaker what they think of reflections and they'll tell you that they're a huge pain in the ass.

And while these days CGI will often be deployed to remove visible crew members and camera equipment from shots involving mirrors and reflective surfaces, for The Matrix the Wachowskis tried to get away with an altogether sneakier, more analog trick.

When Neo (Keanu Reeves) and Morpheus (Lawrence Fishburne) visit the Oracle (Gloria Foster), we're briefly shown a close-up of the doorknob as Neo goes to grab it, showing a warped reflection of himself and Morpheus.

Look closer, though, and you can see the camera lens in front of the pair, while the camera itself is seemingly "disguised" under what appears to be a jacket and a sheet painted to match Morpheus' own suit and tie.

It's a pretty clever, low-fi attempt to deceive the audience that flew pretty well until the movie's recent 4K UHD release, where it's much easier to spot the camera lens pointing at the doorknob as clear as day.

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The Matrix
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.