10 Action Movie Mistakes You Can’t Unsee

1. Shooting "London" In South Africa - Bloodshot

The Matrix

Location doubling is extremely common in movies of all kinds, and generally speaking Hollywood has gotten smart enough about it that you'll probably never notice unless you're native to the area in question.

But where the depiction of London in Vin Diesel's sci-fi actioner Bloodshot is concerned, even a blind man would know they're not looking at footage captured in the English capital.

Despite a decent chunk of the film taking place in Central London, most of the London material was actually shot in Cape Town, South Africa, and rather than re-dress the locations to better resemble the city, they basically just filmed Cape Town as-is and hilariously hoped that nobody would notice.

During a third-act vehicular chase through the streets of "London," the geography, architecture, street signs, and especially the license plates of the cars make it overwhelmingly obvious we're looking at anywhere but the implied location.

London looks nothing like this, at which point you have to consider why didn't they just set these scenes in Cape Town instead. It would've had zero meaningful impact on the plot.

In terms of logistical filmmaking, we can assume that it was cheaper for the $45 million actioner to shoot in South Africa than the UK.

But if they were committed to setting this sequence in London, could they not have at least splashed a little cash on some basic set decoration and a few UK license plates? Awful.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.