10 Actors That Aren't Nearly As Well-Known As They Should Be

1. Garrett Hedlund

0076 This last one's a wild card: you may know Garrett Hedlund as the dorky cousin of Achilles who gets himself needlessly and embarrassingly killed in Troy (2004), but the reason he's in this list is based entirely on his much later performance as Dean Moriarty in the movie of Jack Kerouac's Beat Generation book On The Road (2012), which was outstanding. In it Hedlund manages to capture the magnetism and chaos of a guy like Dean Moriarty, constantly being both undeniably cool and painfully tragic at the same time. Cigarette hanging loosely in mouth, his smiling face and wide, drug-pinned eyes give the feel of someone who simultaneously knows everything about everything and nothing about anything - it is contradictions like these that make up the unstoppable force of Dean Moriarty, contradictions that Hedlund portrayed perfectly. It's no surprise then that Hedlund will soon be appearing as Johnny Five (coolest name ever) in the Coen brothers folk music movie Inside Llewyn Davis (2013), where, from the trailer at least, it looks like he'll be a similarly cool-cat character as he was in On The Road.

Writer from North Yorkshire who likes commenting on Film, TV and Pop culture.