10 Actors Completely Wasted In Star Wars

9. Andy Serkis

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Joining Benicio Del Toro as one of the many disappointingly squandered antagonists to rock up on the Sequels scene, motion capture maestro Andy Serkis' appointment as The Force Awakens' apparent big bad seemed to set the stage for yet another can't-miss portrayal from one of the most engaging thespians in the game today.

Yet, on the back of his sparing, yet still pretty chilling, usage in said Episode VII, what could have acted as Supreme Leader Snoke's real moment to shine one film later ultimately left a universally sour taste in the mouths of most taking in The Last Jedi.

Instead of having the unsettling strandcast take the franchise by the throat before planting seeds for a thrilling climax with Daisy Ridley's Rey and the rest of the Resistance in the Trilogy's finale, Serkis' wrinkled villain was shockingly cut down out of nowhere by Kylo Ren before Episode VIII's climax.

And with Serkis himself even admitting "It was a bit of a shock, but I could see exactly why they were going that route" before noting how "I just wish he'd survived, but who knows?", it's clear fans weren't the only ones who desired a little more from Serkis' time in the Snoke saddle.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...