10 Actors Fired From Harry Potter

5. Richard Fish - Bill Weasley

Harry Potter Voldermort
Warner Bros.

You'd be forgiven for getting your Weasleys mixed up on the odd occasion, what with the entire clan all boasting their trademark pasty skin and vibrant ginger locks. But eagle-eyed fans were understandably left wondering if they'd missed something along the way as Bill Weasley made his long-awaited return to the Potter-sphere in The Deathly Hallows: Part I.

And while we'd only ever really seen a glimpse of ol' Bill in a photograph depicting the family visiting him in Egypt in a page of The Daily Prophet, that still didn't make the shift from Richard Fish to Domhnall Gleeson any less unexpected.

In truth, with Fish not really possessing that much acting experience before taking on the Weasley role, it's not hard to see why Gleeson was preferred for the part as Bill was set to marry Fleur Delacour and become more prevalent in the series. It also likely didn't hurt that Gleeson's father, Brenden, had already worked on the Potter set as "Mad-Eye" Moody, with Domhnall being asked to eventually audition for the role after joining his paps on a trip to work one day.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...