10 Actors Most Likely To Be The Next James Bond - Ranked

8. Henry Cavill

Henry Cavill The Man From Uncle
Warner Bros.

Believe it or not, Henry Cavill was the final front-runner for Casino Royale alongside Daniel Craig, though considering he was just 22 years of age, it's safe to say the producers made the right choice.

Over a decade later, Cavill's career has soared considerably, he's aged a little, and he's still a bloody handsome bugger. Few will argue with any of that.

Cavill's been on these lists from pretty much the moment he nearly won the Casino Royale role, and understandably so.

He's got a dapper Brit charm, but at the same time, he can certainly convince as a brute who'll smash your face in. And above all else, his performance as Napoleon Solo in The Man from U.N.C.L.E. was proof perfect he'd be a cracking 007.

Though he's the right age for the part, his problem, like Tom Hardy, is visibility. Superman makes him too much of a known quantity, especially with him presumably playing the role again in the future, and there's no way Cavill will be allowed to play the Man of Steel and 007 simultaneously.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.