10 Actors Who Were Paid Shockingly Little For Famous Roles

1. Jim Carrey - Yes Man - $0

Smart man, is Jim Carrey. Believe it or not, but the rubber-faced funnyman agreed to star in the comedy caper Yes Man for the sum of... well, nothing at all. What Carrey did ask for, however, was a gross of the overall profits, though he presumably had no idea how much the $70 million film would make at the box office, given that he'd been out of the limelight for a fair amount of time before Yes Man came out. So there was a fair risk that the movie might flop and Carrey would end up with absolutely nothing but a rubbish flick on his filmography and wasted months. Fortunately for the actor, Yes Man went on to gross $225 million at the box office - and Carrey's contract meant that he was entitled to a whopping 36.2% of the profits, which rounded out to about $35 million dollars. Yes, 35 MILLION FREAKIN' DOLLARS is near enough what he ended up with after declining a salary for Yes Man. It's enough to make you want to throw up. Still, it was a bonafide risk that could have meant no salary if the movie had flopped! Like this list? What do you make of these actors and their extremely low salaries? Did they deserve more for their efforts? Less than what they got? Does Jim Carrey's salary for Yes Man make you want to murder yourself? Do you have enough cash to hire Bill Murray for a role in your own flick? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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