10 Actors Who Were Paid Shockingly Little For Famous Roles

6. Jonah Hill - The Wolf Of Wall Street - $60,000

It's odd that Jonah Hill, one third - and let's face it, the fattest third - of the desperate, sex-obsessed kids from Superbad, is now one of Hollywood's most respected actors, having landed successful roles in esteemed movies like Moneyball and The Wolf of Wall Street (the latter of which was directed by the one and only Martin Scorsese), both of which landed him Oscar nominations. So how did Jonah Hill, renowned mostly for comedy, nab a role in Wolf? To put it in its simplest terms: he was willing to appear in the film for an incredibly low fee - a mere $60,000, which the producers - and presumably Scorsese - obliged without much consideration. When you realise that Hill's co-star Leonardo DiCaprio was paid about $10 million, though, this pay seems insanely low. Still, chances are he doesn't care, having also disclosed that snorting cocaine in a Scorsese movie had been a life-long dream. Understandable.

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