As reviewer for the Chicago Tribune for 46 years, first Pulitzer Prize winner for film criticism and one-half of the TV review show Ebert & Roeper, Roger Ebert's name has become synonymous with the movie-going experience. Even people who don't watch movies on a regular basis know about the "thumbs down thumbs up" system coined by Ebert and Gene Siskel in the 70s. As a result, Ebert's career is more than deserving of a big screen adaptation... and Philip Seymour Hoffman would have been the perfect actor to play him. When the film world became a little smaller after losing Hoffman on February 2nd, the community erupted with elegies about the outstanding body of work he left behind and all the opportunities that stood in front of him. The moment everyone heaved a large and very collective sigh came when Roger Ebert's widow said that the legendary film critic wanted Hoffman to portray him in a biopic. But with Hoffman gone, what would have been a fascinating portrayal can now be realized only in our imaginations. As a way to remember both giants of film and their respective professions, we'd like to shine a light on 10 other famous movie critics who deserve to have their story told on the big screen, and the 10 actors who could play them. Your opinions are invaluable, so please use the comments section to critique the choices here, and add your own to the mix...