10 Actors Who Are Seriously Overdue A Starring Role

8. Eva Amurri (Martino)

Eva Amurri Everyone knows Eva Amurri. She's Susan Sarandon's daughter (I mean, how can you miss the similarities?) and our favorite Jewish Catholic schoolgirl. I don't think it is hard to imagine why she has landed on my list. I put her last name, Martino, in parenthesis because she almost always goes by Eva Amurri, and so she will be referenced from here on out. I recently watched Amurri in an independent thriller called Isolation. When I first put this on my Netflix list, I thought it was a throwaway to have on in the background while doing other things. Then I saw Amurri was in it and I had to watch the entire thing. I wasn't too far off; the plot was nothing too original. What held my interest, though, was Amurri's performance. She's wasn't the whiny, trust fund youth I imagined her to be, but an educated, well spoken young adult. I was very impressed with her work and have continued to be a very big fan of hers, though I don't understand why she isn't getting bigger roles. I firmly believe she is more than gifted and deserves a shot in Hollywood. If I could rewind time, I would cast her as Mavis Gary in Young Adult.

I am a college graduate of Penn State with two bachelors in the arts. When I'm not writing or performing, I am an SFX make-up artist for local up and coming films in the Houston area. I love horror movies, James Spader, and will watch anything suggested to me.