10 Actors That Really Need To Stop Repeating Themselves

6. Jason Statham

johnny depp pirates
Summit Entertainment

The 'Jason Statham Movie' has become an action sub-genre all of its own. Moderately-budgeted flicks that feature the chrome-domed star showing off his impressive martial arts skills are an almost annual occurrence and usually have uninspiring one-word names such as Chaos, War, Blitz, Safe, Homefront and Parker.

With bona-fide action heroes becoming a dying breed, Statham has become one of the genre's most recognizable and important faces almost by default. But he is capable of much more than his rather limited filmography would suggest.

His scene-stealing supporting turn in Paul Feig's Spy showed an ability to poke fun at his established persona and a surprising flair for comedy, while his unique brand of straight-faced charisma powered the gloriously demented Crank movies. Even his increasingly prominent role in the Fast and Furious has utilized his natural screen presence better than his last half-dozen star vehicles.

Now 50 years of age, Statham can't keep kicking generic henchmen in the face forever. Next year sees the actor stepping out of his comfort zone to headline the $150m prehistoric shark blockbuster Meg, which at least marks a refreshing change of pace form the usual repetitive beat-em-ups that have become his bread and butter over the last fifteen years.


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