10 Actors That Really Need To Stop Repeating Themselves

7. Michael Cera

johnny depp pirates
Columbia Pictures

After the initial run of Arrested Development ended in 2006, Michael Cera broke out in a big way the following year with the one-two punch of smash-hit comedy Superbad and Best Picture-nominated Juno. The following decade has shown an inability to evolve, as the actor has remained firmly entrenched in his wheelhouse delivering the usual awkward schtick with little growth as a talent.

The strange thing is that despite being largely typecast as a quiet, soft-spoken geek in theatrical features, Cera has shown some versatility away from the multiplex. He executive-produced psychological thriller Magic Magic in 2013, served as both star and writer/director of several short films, co-created the meta television series Clark and Michael with Clark Duke and engineered, mixed, produced, sang and played all of the instruments on his 2014 debut album.

His outside interests show a performer capable of wearing many hats, but outside of his hilariously subversive turn as a cocaine-fueled a**hole version of himself in This Is The End, Cera has spent the great majority of his big-screen career essentially playing the same character over and over again. Whether this is the fault of the actor himself, or the casting directors that have pigeonholed him for the last ten years, remains to be seen.


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