10 Actors Tricked Into Doing Famous Movie Scenes

6. Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith - George Lucas Secretly Adds Weight To Darth Vader Costume

Basic Instinct

As the third and final entry in George Lucas' highly anticipated (and eventually largely underwhelming) prequel trilogy reached its closing stages, fans were finally gifted a moment they'd waited nearly three decades to witness; The birth of Darth Vader.

Now admittedly, the sight of Hayden Christensen breaking free from his restraints, trudging forward and wailing "NOOOOO!" at the realisation of the death of his darling Padme Amidala wasn't exactly for everyone. But Christensen's dramatic, disjointed physicality during this infamous scene still made for compelling viewing, despite this element largely being out of the actor's control on the day.

In order to present the idea that the former Anakin Skywalker wasn't completely comfortable in his new life-support armour, George Lucas secretly decided to make the suit drastically top-heavy. This included making the Jedi-turned-Sith's unmistakable helmet noticeably weighty, for example.

All in all, this cheeky trick definitely helped inform Christensen's physicality in the scene as fans were definitely made to feel like this tortured soul was still some way from the assured force of fear he'd grow to become as the years rolled by.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...