10 Actors Who Appeared In Movies By Trickery

1. Natalie Portman - Avengers: Endgame

Thor The Dark World Natalie Portman
Marvel Studios

Fans the world over were shocked when Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) made a brief cameo appearance in Avengers: Endgame, showing up in 2013 Asgard for a moment as Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Rocket (Bradley Cooper) attempt to extract the Aether/Reality Stone from her.

However, her suspicious lack of interaction with either character prompted suspicion from fans about Portman's true involvement in the sequel, and the Russo brothers later confirmed that the footage was indeed unused material from Thor: The Dark World.

Portman did make a small original contribution to Endgame, though, by recording some incidental dialogue as Jane's heard thanking some Asgardians for taking care of her.

Given that Portman made it clear long ago she was basically done with the MCU, it was a neat little surprise, even if her role basically amounted to some clever editing and about 10 minutes inside a recording booth.


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