10 Actors Who Are Notoriously Hard To Work With

2. Christian Bale

Christian Bale is undoubtedly one of the best actors of his generation, showing an incredible versatility down the years in the likes of American Psycho, The Fighter and American Hustle. The 40-year-old's reputation for being unbelievably hard work on set precedes him though. The most notable is obviously the infamous rant at the director of photography, Shane Hurlbut, while filming Terminator Salvation in July 2008. Hurlbut had walked in front of Bale's eyeline during a take, and the Englishman launched into an outrageous tirade of abuse at him. It has become an internet sensation. Here's a little snippet for you:
"Am I going to walk around and rip your f***ing lights down, in the middle of a scene? Then why the f**k are you walking right through? Ah-da-da-dah, like this in the background. What the f**k is it with you? What don't you f***ing understand? You got any f***ing idea about, hey, it's f***ing distracting having somebody walking up behind Bryce in the middle of the f***ing scene? Give me a f***ing* answer! What don't you get about it?".
His method acting, which sees him stay in character for large periods of time, and both lose and gain staggering amounts of weight for certain roles, makes him a very volatile person to be around during filming, and unless you are a fellow star, or someone integral to the production of the film, it appears Bale will have little time for you.

Football writer, Liverpool fanatic. That's pretty much all you need to know. Love Film and Music too.