10 Actors Who Are Notoriously Hard To Work With

3. Mike Myers

Comedians are always rumoured to be tortured geniuses, who despite coming across as hilarious on film and charming in interviews, are actually grumpy perfectionists a lot of the time. That certainly applies to Mike Myers, which may surprise many. The man responsible for creating the magnificent Wayne's World and Austin Powers films is apparently a nightmare to be around at times. He was so jealous of Dana Carvey's character Garth Elgar in Wayne's World that he reportedly wanted him written out of the script, so as not to overshadow his character Wayne Campbell, and he even stormed off set at one point, having discovered there was no margarine for his bagel. He was hugely controlling on the set of Austin Powers and, albeit somewhat hard to believe, got someone fired for looking him in the eye. He can't be that bad, can he? Myers also decided to turn the voice of Shrek from a Canadian accent to a Scottish one halfway through filming, costing DreamWorks millions in the process. It was an inspired decision, in fairness, but showed just how much power he knew he had at the time. The 51-year-old has faded away from the limelight in recent years, barring the horrendous The Love Guru - it appears that the whole of Hollywood has grown tired of him and his complex ways.

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