10 Actors Who Broke Down On The Set Of Famous Movies

4. Jessica Chastain Gets Emotional During Torture Scenes; Halts Filming For 10 Minutes Whilst She Has A Cry - Zero Dark Thirty

Zero Dark Thirty
Columbia Pictures

Given the subject matter, it's no surprise that Jessica Chastain broke down into a tears for a full-on ten minutes during the making of Kathryn Bigelow's Osama Bin Laden hunt movie Zero Dark Thirty.

The scene that did it? The water-boarding torture sequence towards the beginning of the movie, where Chastain's enigmatic character, Maya, watches her colleague (Jason Clarke) going at it on a detainee. It's a brutal scene, and it provoked a lot of controversy. "I had to go hide behind a building," Chastain said of the incident. "I just lost it and started crying. I wasn't going to be able to do the scene again without letting out, without having a good cry."

Presumably the whole sequence looked a lot like one that actually appears in movie, where, after years and years of work, Maya returns home to the United States, and breaks down in tears in the hull of an aircraft... her incredible mission finally completed.


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