10 Actors Who Could Fill The Ryan Gosling Vacuum

1. Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch

The Case For: Cumberbatch is on the verge of becoming a very big deal indeed. His role as head villain in JJ Abrams€™ upcoming Star Trek Into Darkness should see to that. Following his breakout role as the title character of the BBC€™s rather excellent Sherlock, he played George Smiley€™s right hand man in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, and will also play Smaug in the next episode of The Hobbit. By turns creepy, mischievous, vulnerable and threatening, Cumberbatch€™s acting chops would suggest he could slide in and fill the Gosling Void with little difficulty. He€™s also one of the few actors who can match Gosling for GIFs. The Case Against: As much as Cumberbatch€™s acting might be up to scratch, is he able to compete with Gosling on the sex appeal level? As loveable as Sherlock might be, he€™s notably asexual, and so far Cumberbatch has foolishly picked roles with limited opportunities to take his shirt off on camera. He remains relatively unproven in the €˜I can be hot with a beard€™ category, but overall, he makes an excellent case. Who else do you think could potentially fill the Gosling hole? Share your own picks below.
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A media student who lives and works in Adelaide, South Australia. Edward reads books and watches movies and writes about them.