10 Actors Who Could Play Nathan Drake In The Uncharted Movie
4. Miles Teller
Miles Teller probably won't be winning any Nathan Drake lookalike contests anytime soon, but there's an argument to be made that he's the strongest young actor working in Hollywood today.
Fantastic Four aside (the least of that movie's problems was the acting), he garnered a lot of well-deserved awards buzz for his turn in Whiplash and his upcoming role in Bleed For This is already doing the same. Plus, while War Dogs wasn't as good as it could have been, it showed that he has no problems when it comes to comedic timing, a talent that Nathan Drake will need in spades.
But it's Teller's ability to fully immerse himself in a part that's the kicker here. He acts without vanity, willing to endure a rather gruelling shoot in Whiplash (the director wouldn't yell 'cut', forcing Teller to continue drumming until he was exhausted and his hands were covered in blisters), or hit the gym excessively to bulk up for his role as a boxer.
Consequently, he'd have no trouble transforming himself into Drake; he's great at both comedy and drama, but he never lets one overpower the other, and possesses a confident, yet awkward personality - something that Drake, an incredibly smart orphan with very few real friends - will need.