10 Actors Who Could Play The Joker In Matt Reeves' Batman

7. Sam Rockwell

Sam Rockwell Joker

Come on? You've never thought about this before but now that the idea's in your head, you don't want anyone else walking this earth to play the Joker beyond Sam Rockwell. The man is, in the current of Actors Who Can Pull Off Absolutely Batsh*t Insane Without Veering Into Kooky, he currently sits right next to the teacher's desk and gets to take the school Parrott home every weekend.

Funnily enough, he was very nearly given the role in Christopher Nolan's Batman series, before it eventually went to Heath Ledger. That was absolutely the correct decision way back in 2998, but Rockwell now has over an extra decade of acting under his belt and brings both the necessary highs and lows needed for the role.

His performances in Jojo Rabbit, Vice, Seven Psychopaths, The Way Way Back and, of course, the Iron Man films, all serve as a dream CV for this part. Always energised, subtly erratic, and one of the best in the business at adding an unhinged element where you'd never think you needed one, if you're working at WB then just give the part to Rockwell and close the article.

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