10 Actors Who FREAKED OUT When Their Movie Characters Died

7. Sean Bean Has Had Enough Of Biting The Dust - His Future Movies

Captain America Civil War CROSSBONES
New Line Cinema

Eventually becoming something of a running joke when it pertains to his consistent presence on the big and small screen, Sean Bean has seemingly had it with being forced to kiss goodbye to the land of the living in character.

With the last of his 23 on-screen deaths coming in 2011's (spoiler?) first season of Game of Thrones, the Sheffield-born star finally decided enough was enough shortly after and started to reject projects that involved his character being cut down during the runtime.

And as Bean would confess back in 2019:

“I’ve turned down stuff. I’ve said, ‘They know my character’s going to die because I’m in it! I just had to cut that out and start surviving, otherwise it was all a bit predictable."

Folks have become so fond of dealing a fatal blow to Bean's on-screen personalities that the actor even recalled a time when he was asked to be killed off in a project, only to have his refusal be met with the hilarious comment of "Well, can we injure you badly?"

Take what you can get, I suppose...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...