10 Actors Who Gave Great Performances In TERRIBLE Recent Movies

8. Joel Kinnaman - Silent Night

Fast X Jason Momoa

Silent Night should've been a major cause for celebration, given that it marked John Woo's first U.S. action flick in almost 20 years, and touted the intriguing gimmick of its vengeful protagonist, Brian Godlock (Joel Kinnaman), being rendered mute after his vocal cords are damaged in a shooting.

However it's dreadfully dull stuff, with the decision to have the entire story unfold wordlessly ultimately proving to be more of a hindrance than anything.

It doesn't make sense that none of the characters speak because Brian is unable to, and even beyond the generic-o thriller plot, the action is a huge letdown compared to Woo's prior work in the genre.

But Joel Kinnaman certainly gets an "A" for effort, giving a convincing performance as an incredibly angry man seeking to avenge his son's murder in a gang shooting.

Given that Kinnaman has to sell his character's entire arc through facial expressions and bodily physicality alone, it's certainly a challenging role, and one he basically nails, no matter how tepid the movie surrounding him is.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.