10 Actors Who Gave Great Performances In TERRIBLE Recent Movies

3. Toni Collette - Mafia Mamma

Fast X Jason Momoa
Bleecker Street

Mafia Mamma is equivocally one of those "great idea, terrible execution" movies, because a story centered around a suburban American woman (Toni Collette) who literally inherits the Italian mob from her grandfather has all the potential to deliver an uproarious screwball comedy.

But this is ultimately a broad-to-a-fault crime comedy which goes for the easy, lazy joke every single time, while the flashes of brutal violence clash harshly with its overall frothy silliness.

Star Toni Collette at least appreciated the campiness of the material, though, and is clearly having a whale of a time playing a fish outta water - a soccer mom suddenly thrust into Italy's criminal underworld.

Yet the material is so far beneath her it hurts, and bar some fun chemistry with Monica Bellucci, her fine work is constantly fighting against the thunderous lack of ambition present in the script.

At least she got paid to spend a few weeks wearing awesome outfits in sunny Rome while shooting this thing, right?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.