10 Actors Who Gave Great Performances In TERRIBLE Recent Movies

2. Jason Momoa - Fast X

Fast X Jason Momoa

Take a bow Jason Momoa, for basically single-handedly making the worst Fast and the Furious film a (mostly) tolerable sit.

Momoa gleefully devours the scenery as Fast X's vengeful, Joker-esque villain Dante Reyes, giving a performance of such energy and personality that it couldn't be more diametrically opposed to Vin Diesel's charisma-vacuuming protagonist, Dominic Toretto.

Whether Momoa's painting the toenails of slain men or introducing himself to Dom as "Dante, enchanté," he's acting in a totally different movie to everybody else slumming it in this thing - and a far more enjoyable one, to be clear.

For all of Fast X's leaden action, risible dialogue, and ropey plot twists, Momoa puts the whole-ass movie on his gigantic shoulders and carries it all the way to the finish line.

The only upside of this movie ending on a hilariously abrupt, widely mocked cliffhanger? We know that Momoa's gonna return to mug it once more in Fast 11.

Momoa's so far ahead of everything else in this movie quality-wise that it doesn't feel right to call it a mere performance - it's basically a public service.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.