10 Actors Who Gave Their Best Ever Performance In Bad Movies

2. Ashton Kutcher - Jobs

Jobs Ashton Kutcher
Open Road Films

Much like Jessica Alba, Ashton Kutcher isn't exactly an actor known for his ability-stretching performances, remembered better for his slew of undemanding comedy roles.

But in 2013, Kutcher was surprisingly cast as Steve Jobs in a biopic of the Apple co-founder, and though expectations were low for Kutcher's ability to portray the man, he ultimately acquitted himself extremely admirably.

Beyond the uncanny physical resemblance that Kutcher bears to a younger Jobs - far more than Michael Fassbender, that's for sure - Kutcher really does make an earnest effort to capture the spirit of the man, and does about as well as anyone could with the disappointingly boilerplate script.

Yes, Jobs is ultimately a tediously formulaic biopic that feels more like a Lifetime movie than a genuine work of cinema, but its failure was in no way the fault of Kutcher, who provided unwavering proof that, yes, he is capable of a serious dramatic performance.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.