10 Actors Who Gave Their Worst Performance In Star Wars

1. Domhnall Gleeson

General Hux Star Wars Domhnall Gleeson

For all of the things J.J. Abrams appeared to get absolutely bang on in his reintroducing of the galaxy far, far away back in 2015, there was one particular character that often felt like he'd stumbled into the wrong universe out of the gates.

Brought to life by a clearly game Domhnall Gleeson, The First Order's General Hux is neither unsettling nor the sort of villainous presence you simply love to hate. He's just sort of there. And Gleeson provides audiences with more reasons to cringe and fast forward the action than the sort of undeniable feeling of fear seen in the likes of Peter Cushing's Grand Moff Tarkin and Ben Mendelsohn's Director Krennic.

From jarringly screaming his way through First Order rallies, to painfully unfunny attempts at comedy in his exchanges with Poe Dameron, the otherwise consistently excellent Gleeson isn't half-assing his way through the Sequels by any means. He just appears to be lacking any real direction or guidance in the part, often bringing weird slapstick beats and melodramatic explosions into being in his own surreal corner of the Trilogy.

And the less said about that baffling decision to switch sides late in The Rise of Skywalker day the better, too.

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