10 Actors Who Got Paid To NOT Star In Movies

1. Michael Biehn - Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Nicholas Cage Superman Lives
Orion Pictures

Michael Biehn is best remembered as the face of Kyle Reese, hero of the resistance who fought hard against Schwarzenegger in the original The Terminator. However, Biehn surprisingly only saw an appearance on the sequel, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, years after the film’s original release as his scene was axed from the theatrical cut.

In an effort to help audiences relate with Sarah Connor’s emotional struggle, James Cameron filmed a scene where Connor dreams about Reese in order to strengthen herself and escape from the psychiatric hospital she's being kept in.

Although keeping this scene in the film wouldn’t have distracted from the scene in any way, it was cut primarily for pacing reasons as the film is quite lengthy (2 hours 10 minutes). Cameron felt that this dream sequence and an earlier one got the same point across to the audience, that of nuclear decimation, so Biehn was ultimately cut from the film altogether.

However, Biehn’s cameo did eventually make the light of day.

In 2015, an Extended Special Edition of Terminator 2 made it store shelves which restored Connor’s dream sequence, also including deleted scenes and an alternate ending that would have changed the Terminator canon altogether.

Biehn’s scene can finally be seen by those who missed it in the cinema.

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Writer from the North East. Knowledgable in Horror Movies, Silent Movies, World Cinema and Retro Video Games.