10 Actors Who Got SERIOUSLY Ripped To Play Superheroes

2. Hugh Jackman (The Wolverine)

Hugh Jackman The Wolverine

Perhaps no actor in history has more convincingly made a superhero their own than Hugh Jackman, though when he first appeared as Wolverine in 2000's inaugural X-Men movie, his physique was actually pretty unremarkable by modern standards.

This was largely due to Jackman being cast shortly before shooting began, giving him little time to prepare. In all subsequent movies, however, Jackman looks decidedly more muscular, yet it wasn't until 2013's The Wolverine that the actor truly got himself looking shredded.

Seeking advice from Dwayne Johnson, Jackman consumed 6,000 calories per day in order to put on 25 pounds of lean muscle, the results of which were absolutely spectacular. In the movie, Wolverine's vascular and muscular definition are absolutely off the charts, all while his frame remains shockingly tight.

Well into his mid-40s at this point, Jackman impressively kept his regimen up for X-Men: Days of Future Past, where he looked almost as incredible. Mercifully, though, by the time his swan song Logan came around, the broken-down nature of his character meant he could take things a little easier (though he was still in sublime shape by any typical standard).

There's a reason people call the guy "Huge Jacked Man". Good freaking luck to whoever takes over the Wolverine role in the future...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.