10 Actors Who Got SERIOUSLY Ripped To Play Superheroes

3. Chris Hemsworth (Thor)

Thor Chris Hemsworth
Marvel Studios

Because the popular conception of a demi-God envisions them as having a perfect, chiselled body, there was no room for Chris Hemsworth to slouch when prepping for Thor.

You need look no further than The Cabin in the Woods to see how extensively Hemsworth built his body up: the horror-comedy was released the year after Thor but actually shot a year prior, when Hemsworth's frame was far more slim and slender.

In addition to gorging on a diet of red meat and chicken truly fit for a God, Hemsworth hired a former NAVY Seal to help him pack on 25 pounds of muscle before shooting. Considering how ridiculously buff the Asgardian looks in the final movie - especially in his shirtless scenes and the iconic Mjolnir-grabbing sequence - it was most certainly a job well done.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.