10 Actors Who Hate ONE Movie In Their Franchise

1. David Cross - Alvin & The Chipmunks: Chipwrecked

Harry Potter Half Blood Prince

You won't find many people standing up to defend the live-action Alvin and the Chipmunks franchise - all four of the movies produced to date have been both critically reviled and yet solid commercial successes.

Comedian David Cross appears in the first three films as Ian Hawke, serving as the initial antagonist before becoming a more benevolent character in his final film, Chipwrecked.

While Cross has always been upfront about the films being bill-paying roles, he has an over-the-odds disdain for the third film, which he publicly trashed a few days before it was even released:

"There was no reason for me to be there... All I wanted was to get the f**k out of there as soon as possible… and buy a summer home with the check... This last film was literally, without question, the most unpleasant experience I've ever had in my professional life... It's safe to say I won't be working with some of those people ever again. Not the actors. And the director [Mike Mitchell] was great. We got along. There were a couple of people, though… it was just a really awful, unpleasant experience."

Cross has spoken extensively over the years about an unnamed producer on the film who made the experience especially miserable, with Cross being "forced at legal gunpoint" to appear in Chipwrecked, while dealing with a producer he accused of being antisemitic.

In a recent interview with Justin Long, Cross also revealed that his comments resulted in him forfeiting $150,000 for violating a non-disparagement clause.

While he called the first film "fine" and the second "OK," he had nothing kind to say about number three:

"[It was] in a different category of bad experiences. They were disrespectful of me, and just so mean to me, and so petty and weird… they were so sh**ty to me… It was so inexplicably awful. Just awful. They were sh**ty in every single way at every single point."

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.