10 Actors Who Hate ONE Movie In Their Franchise

2. Eddie Murphy - Beverly Hills Cop III

Harry Potter Half Blood Prince

As belated sequels go, Beverly Hills Cop III is surely one of the most embarrassing misfires of all time.

Despite having a blatantly bloated $70 million budget - almost double the combined price tags of the first two movies - the threequel was panned by critics and grossed less than half of its predecessor.

In the lead up to its release, star Eddie Murphy typically put on a brave face and praised the film to the high heavens, promising it was "infinitely better than Beverly Hills Cop II."

However, during a 2006 interview on Inside the Actors Studio, Murphy admitted that it was "atrocious," and when discussing the prospect of a fourth film in 2015, he again spoke about part three's failures:

"Before [a fourth film] happens, they've got to get that script right. That movie has to be right. The third Beverly Hills Cop was garbage."

No lies detected, Eddie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.