10 Actors Who Have Played More Than One Iconic Character

6. Sylvester Stallone

rambo2 Sylvester Stallone€™s beginning in Hollywood reads like a Hollywood movie in itself. A struggling actor who had had some minor roles wrote a script, held out for a deal where he could portray the lead character and the rest is history. That script was of course Rocky which is the first icon that Stallone has played. The slugger from Philadelphia won the hearts of audiences and critics when the film was released in 1976 and went on to enjoy huge success, spawning five sequels. Stallone then played his next icon, one which would start him on the road to being an action hero, Rambo. Here Stallone plays a Vietnam soldier who suffers from post traumatic stress and the prejudices of a society which didn€™t welcome combat veterans home. Harassed by a small-town sheriff, Rambo takes revenge and single-handedly takes out many local law enforcement officers and quite a bit of the town with them. Three sequels followed. Also worthy of mention, despite the film not being thought all that highly of, is Judge Dredd. Fans of the character weren€™t impressed with the movie but it is a role associated with Stallone nonetheless.
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Graham Gallagher hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.