10 Actors Who Have Played More Than One Iconic Character

5. Samuel L. Jackson

14. Pulp Fiction, Jules' Bible Passage

Samuel L. Jackson is one of those actors who seem to appear in every film going. While not every film that he€™s appeared in has been a worthy addition to his portfolio, most of his performances at least have been memorable. Maybe the most iconic character that he€™s known for would be Jules Winnfield from Pulp Fiction. A poster of him and John Travolta pointing a gun probably adorns a lot of people€™s walls. Who hasn€™t tried to recite the Ezekiel 25:17 speech word for word at some point? The film went on to be a huge success as well as a cultural influence and frequently appears high up on best movie lists. Jackson was a big fan of Star Wars and got his chance to be part of cinema history and one of cinema€™s biggest franchises when he was cast as Mace Windu, a Jedi master in the three prequels. Determined to be different, Jackson€™s character stands out by having a purple lightsaber. More recently, Jackson has become part of the Marvel movie universe by portraying Nick Fury, one of the guys in charge of SHIELD. He has appeared in five Marvel films so far €“ Iron Man and Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America and Avengers Assemble. He is contracted to play the role four more times and should next be appearing in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
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