10 Actors Who Haven't Made A Good Movie In YEARS

6. Diane Keaton

Blacklight Liam Neeson
Gravitas Pictures

Diane Keaton is a lovely, charming actress by most accounts, and has forever cemented herself in the hearts of millions through her collaborations with Woody Allen, her performance across The Godfather trilogy, and her Oscar-nominated turns in Reds (90%), Marvin's Room (84%), and Something's Gotta Give (72%).

Yet since starring in Something's Gotta Give 20 years ago, Keaton hasn't physically appeared in a single well-reviewed movie, her only critically Fresh part being a voice role in Pixar's Finding Dory (94%).

Since 2003, Keaton's career has been littered with almost 20 critically eviscerated dramas and low-rent comedies.

While this perhaps speaks to Hollywood's historical lack of opportunities for women over the age of 60, it's still a shame to see her starring in consistently dreadful, no-effort genre films.

At 77 years of age you can't really blame Keaton for preferring to focus on undemanding comedy work over more challenging dramatic fare, but even so, it's maddening that Hollywood can't find her a role in a comedy that's, you know, actually funny.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.