10 Actors Who Hopefully Killed Their Careers In 2015

7. Mike "The Miz" Mizanin

The Miz is the latest wrestler the WWE is attempting to shove down audience's throats in the hope of transforming him into a bonafide movie star, but like almost all of these attempts (bar The Rock), it hasn't worked...at all. Miz started off his 2015 film work with The Marine 4: Moving Target, which is about as terrible as you'd expect the fourth movie in a series kick-started by John Cena to be, compounded by the fact that Miz isn't terribly believable as a kick-a** action hero. So, the WWE smartly realised he'd be better in a comedy, and cast him in holiday movie Santa's Little Helper. Though Miz does well enough playing the Scrooge-like douche at the beginning of the movie, he struggles when the film begs him to have a heart, and the result is an outrageously bland Christmas film that satisfies nobody. It doesn't look like he's locked in for anymore films in the immediate future, so hopefully he'll stick to what he's good at: talking trash about other wrestlers and putting the boots to them in the ring.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.