10 Actors Who Just Stopped Trying

2. Marlon Brando

The man whose name is forever synonymous with intense method acting is also the go-to cautionary tale for actors who start to let themselves go, both from a career standpoint and from a physical one. The stories of just how lazy Brando had become in his later years are now the stuff of infamy, and those who worked with him on any film after The Godfather have their own variation of the same anecdote, which usually involved Brando not having read the script or not remembering his lines. He ballooned in size in the 70s, and was virtually unrecognizable by the time he came out of recluse to make movies again in the 90s. There's no way anyone could have imagined the young hunk from On the Waterfront turning into whatever it was that showed up for The Island of Doctor Moreau. Brando gave up on his physical well-being just a few years before he gave up on trying to remind audiences why he used to be such an inspiration to aspiring actors. In fact, in the 2001 crime drama The Score, they literally had to digitally manipulate a smile onto his face for a key scene because he doggedly refused to make his face do that. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a man who could give the masterclass in Not Giving A F--k.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.