10 Actors Who Made Ridiculous Movie Demands So They Wouldn't Be Hired... But Were

8. Jaye Davidson Demanded $1 Million - Stargate

Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift/Chronicles Of Riddick Vin Diesel

Jaye Davidson soared to fame overnight following the release of Neil Jordan's superb 1992 thriller The Crying Game, earning a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination in his first ever acting role.

Davidson's acting chops and unique appearance quickly caught the eye of mega-budget Hollywood producers, and he was offered the role of Ra, the powerful humanoid alien in Roland Emmerich's Stargate.

But Davidson had grown weary of the spotlight after the intense attention he received from The Crying Game, and as such had little desire to act in such a high-profile sci-fi movie.

And so, rather than simply refuse the part, he demanded what he considered an absurd asking fee of $1 million, a not-insignificant fraction of the film's $55 million budget for a supporting role.

To Davidson's surprise, MGM agreed to his fee, and he went on to appear in the film despite having no real interest in doing so, beyond the obvious absurd payday involved.

Unsurprisingly, Davidson promptly retired from acting after Stargate, something a million-dollar gig makes far easier to do.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.