10 Actors Who Must Play Spider-Man Villains In The MCU

2. Matthew McConaughey As Hobgoblin

Javier Bardem Karven Hunter

IReal Name: Roderick Kingsley

First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man#238 (1983)

Alternative: Leonardo DiCaprio

McConaughey has gone from rom-com to credible actor thanks to the likes of The Dallas Buyers Club and True Detective - a misunderstood actor is who you need to take on a misunderstood character like Roderick Kingsley. However, if he doesn't float your boat how about the reinvention of Leonardo DiCaprio - his unhinged performance as Calvin Candie in Django Unchained is true villain glory.

A little bored of those Osborn boys taking all the glory, then why not stick a pumpkin in it? The more holiday-themed version of the Green Goblin, Hobgoblin went on to be a cult favourite and it is about time he got the recognition he deserves.

Sure, Hobgoblin might get flack for being a poor-man's Green Goblin, but he is in fact a more powerful version - taking not only Osborn's weapons and lair, but an enhanced version of his serum. Some people have difficulty taking a billionaire fashion designer seriously as a true villain, so a Spider-Man cameo leading into a larger role in a further installment is exactly what Marvel needs to reinvent Hobgoblin as a credible villain.

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Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap