10 Actors Who Needed Doubles For Ridiculous Reasons

1. Gert Fröbe Didn't Know How To Play Golf - Goldfinger

Goldfinger Gert Frobe Sean Connery

Gert Fröbe gave arguably the most iconic and unforgettable villain performance of the entire Bond franchise as Auric Goldfinger, yet despite his fantastic screen presence, the actor required a double for one major aspect of his character.

For the memorable golf contest between Goldfinger and Bond (Sean Connery), Fröbe didn't know how to play golf, and so for any shot where the actor's face isn't visible, a golf-savvy double is actually playing the part.

It does seem a bit daft, because ultimately how hard can it be to make an actor look good at golf? Then again, if Fröbe didn't look comfortably in command of his 9-iron, it'd undermine the calculating intelligence of the character, right?

As for Sean Connery, filming the golf sequence made him a fan of the sport, and even 55 years later, he's still said to be hugely passionate about it.

Fun fact: Fröbe's voice was also not his own due to his minimal grasp of the English language, resulting in stage actor Michael Collins dubbing him over.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.