10 Actors Who Never Get The Praise They Deserve

7. Paul Bettany

paul_bettany Many of the movies Paul Bettany has starred in have been critically derided such as The Da Vinci Code, Legion, Priest and Firewall, but in amongst the turgid material is a great actor who needs to choose his roles better. Bettany has displayed his enormous talent most obviously in Gangster No.1, a compelling and violent British gangster movie thst features a hypnotic and sinister performance by Bettany at its center. Bettany also excelled in the underappreciated Margin Call and Lars Von Trier's best movie, Dogville, but acclaim has never gone his way. Bettany essentially needs a good script with a good director who wants him in the lead to come his way so he no longer goes criminally overlooked. Top 5 Movies
1. Gangster No.1 2. Dogville 3. Margin Call 4. Wimbledon 5. A Beautiful Mind
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