10 Actors Who Never Get The Praise They Deserve

3. Harvey Keitel

Despite being one of the greatest actors of all time, Harvey Keitel seems to have been forgotten by the film community. Keitel has one of the coolest movie presences and has starred in masterpieces such as Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, Reservoir Dogs, Bad Lieutenant, The Last Temptation of Christ and Bugsy, yet he is probably most recognisable to modern audiences for his small role in Pulp Fiction, which though being the best thing in the movie, displays only a glimpse of the great talent he has. It's a joke that Keitel has been nominated for more Razzies than Academy Awards, as his titular performance in Bad Lieutenant is one of the greatest of all time, but that just about sums up Hollywood. More recently, Keitel appeared on television in the rubbish US remake of Life on Mars and in small roles in Moonrise Kingdom and Little Fockers. It's hard to believe an actor as great as Keitel can't secure roles in good movies, or even work with great frequency as other legends such as Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Alan Arkin all feature in several films a year. Just look at the list of directors Keitel has acted for, it's a catalogue of America's great directors. Martin Scorsese, Abel Ferrara, Quentin Tarantino, Spike Lee, Ridley Scott, Jane Campion, Brian De Palma, Paul Schrader and Clint Eastwood have all enlisted his services, which just shows how highly Keitel is regarded amongst his contemporaries, it's a shame the rest of the world seems to have forgotten. Top 5 Movies:
1. Taxi Driver 2. Mean Streets 3. Reservoir Dogs 4. Bad Lieutenant 5. Blue Collar
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